Most people's mothers have told them at one point or another to drink a warm glass of milk and go to sleep. But really, what does it do?
A cup of warm milk will not drop you like a sack of bricks, but it may help. Milk contains substances that are related to sleep and relaxation; melatonin and tryptophan. The amount of melatonin in a glass of milk is minute, less than what would be taken in a supplement. The amount of tryptophan in milk is also small. In addition, our digestive process is complex. Considering these factors, it is unlikely that a glass of warm — or cold — milk would shorten the length of time that it takes to fall asleep.
Warm milk might have psychological significance on putting you to sleep, but temperature is not a factor in the sleep process. The routine of consuming a glass of warm milk may produce a feeling of nostalgia of your mom, home, childhood comforts that help relaxation. This is part of the natural transition from being awake to a sleeping state.
Of course as stated earlier, melatonin and tryptophan help promote a sleepy feeling and can be taken in the form of supplements. This can be taken an hour or more before bed time so you can ease the transition and go to sleep comfortably and peacefully.
after 2 nights of no sleep, i was at my neighbor's house hanging out with them and EVERYTHING they said, i was soooooo giggly i just cundt stop laffing. i was acting so crazy. ud thought i was drunk. too a person who was well rested wud have thought theire peeing-in-the-bush jokes were just a chuckle....and then theres me lopsided over the bed laffing my ass off like id never heard anything funnier in my life!!!! sleep gives you some baaaadddddddddd headaches though...after laughing like thta and not sleeping, my head felt like it was gonna explode out the sides. it was soooooooo painful!!
and your right about the warm milk sure doesnt make you hit the sack over may help a little for mild insomnia or to calm you down, but......sometimes no luck, but its definitely worth it to have some!!
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